Being Thankful

I felt the chill of the crisp fall air as my alarm began to chime. It was another long night, as my daughter is still suffering from a cold. Despite the chill and lack of sleep, I forced myself from my bed.
The morning air was ever cooler as I made my way outside for a run. The utter serenity of my course was refreshing and it transformed my mood from weary to energized. I love being out while most of the world still sleeps. The trees had dawned their fall best, as their leaves beamed of yellow, orange, and red. Such a beautiful morning that I’m glad I could admire.
As I returned home rejuvenated, I took a moment to reflect on all that I have to be thankful for. My wife and children who love and support me, my other family and friends who have helped to shape who I am today, my job that taken me places I never thought I would go, and my passions that inspire me to keep dreaming.
I know I have been blessed, far more than I ever deserve to be. That is why I am thankful and grateful, not just one Thanksgiving but everyday.  I hope that everyone is a fortunate as I, and I wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.


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