My Legacy is Family

Most days I feel I was not meant to live in this time. The world is in such a hurry to get nowhere; it forgets what’s important. Society pressures people to have a million priorities and choices. Your job, your finances, your house, your obligations, your hobbies the list goes on and on. What gets forgotten is what’s most important, family.
My family and I have been going through some trying times lately. My job is forcing us to move halfway across the world. While this is exciting, it’s also stressful and terrifying. We must downsize and uproot our lives just after the holidays. With that being said, there is a million things that must be done and the stress is mounting. Amid all this, I’m trying to polish my novel, Once Left the Field of Valor and send query letters.
This constant juggling act leaves me drained. The ones who feel the brunt of this are those who mean the most my wife and daughters. My short fuse and anxiety don’t allow me to be the father or the husband I want to be. I end up disappointed in myself, which only fuels the vicious cycle.
Life is funny though, it has a way of giving you what you need. The other day my wife did something incredibly selfless. Our two-year-old had a birthday party to go to and instead dragging the whole family along for the ride my wife decided to divide and conquer. She volunteered to take our two-year-old and newborn to the party while got to take our four-year-old to a movie. For her to take our rough-and-ready toddler and constantly crying baby was a bold move.
As for my four-year-old and I, my wife suggested that we go see the movie Coco. It was the first daddy- daughter date we had been on in forever. It was refreshing to get one-on-one time. She has grown so much; it pains me to think how fast almost five years has just flown by. Watching her light up as I bought her snow caps and a red slushy reminded me precious these moments are. The whole movie we smiled, giggled, and enjoyed our snacks. Her smile lite up the theater just as it lights up my life.
After the movie I called my wife. Her experience was not nearly as amazing as mine. Honestly, you would have to call it a disaster. Not to go into details, but she had two screaming kids the entire time. Even given this she said I should take our oldest to dinner where more memories were made. I’m so thankful for her sacrifice and selflessness. This is not an isolated incident, for she always has and always will sacrifice so much for our family.
My ambition is to be a successful professional author that makes a lasting impact. Though I will continue to pursue this dream until it comes true, it will always pale in comparison to my greatest blessings. No matter if my writing is adored by millions or just a select few, my greatest joy and legacy will be my wife and children.


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