Tag: my year

  • Thankful this and Everyday

    Being an up and coming author isn’t easy. There are a lot of frustrations and heartaches. I’m so blessed to have my amazing wife, my wonderful children, my caring family and friends, and my loyal supporters. I’m so thankful for all of you!

  • My Interview with Michelle Connor

    My Interview with Michelle Connor

    Click on the link below to see my interview with Michelle Connor. It provides a look inside my writing process and it’s origins. A special thank you to Michelle for the interview. CLICK HERE FOR THE INTERVIEW

  • Submission Season is Coming

    Submission Season is Coming

    I’m impatiently waiting for September 1st. That’s start of the of submission season for many periodicals. I plan to submit several poems and short stories during this time frame and enter various writing contests. Hopefully this is the year I climb the mountain and become a professional writer!